About Us
Founded in June of 2014 and based in Indianapolis, Indiana The Russo Realty Group is a trusted professional real estate company for people to list, discover, and invest in real estate in and around the Indianapolis Metro Area right from a mobile phone or tablet.
Whether a home to buy, or a real estate to invest in, or a place to lease, The Russo Realty Group connects people to an easy experience when it comes to your real estate needs. And with world-class customer service and a growing community of clientele, The Russo Realty Group is the easiest way for people to make the most of their time, energy, and effort when dealing with the real estate market.

Whether looking to lease, or you're a first time home buyer, or maybe even a savvy real estate investor, at any price point, in many towns within central Indiana, The Russo Realty Group will be there to help you every step of the way.